Hi I'm Vic The

I specialize in Full Stack Web Development

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I Specialize In

Front and Back End Web Development.


I believe any good product starts with a plan. By keeping up with the latest technologies and frameworks, I'm able to quickly decide the best approach for a project.

Front End

I specialize in ReactJS as my front end framework of choice. It doesn't stop there though! I'm quickly able to learn and adapt to new frameworks to deliver modern, responsive front ends.

Back End

I have experience working with SQL databases, in addition to MongoDB and GraphQL. Use something different? No problem! I keep myself up to speed on the latest developments.


Most importantly, I believe the web should be fun! I make sure my work is easy to engage with, user friendly, and is something I'd want to use!

  • Programming Languages
  • 2
  • Certifications
  • 11
  • Projects Completed
  • 50
  • Coffees Consumed
  • 125831

My Process

A good project always starts with a good process. As I've grown as a developer, I've found that taking some time before jumping into some code always pays off with a better end product.


Discuss The Project

Understand what the end goal is. By having a clear idea of what the client wants, I'm better able to plan my approach and allocate the appropriate time and resources.


Decide on Technologies

Once I have a good idea of what the project is supposed to do, I can decide on the best technologies for that use case.



Now it's time to code! Once initial goals are met. I circle back to the first two steps as many times as it takes. Lather, rinse, and repeat!


Ongoing Refinement

After the project is done, I'll continually iterate improvements as technologies, and my knowledge grow.